Listening to The Pope




March 2008 • Canon IXUS 700 camera

UNESCO World Heritage site
Vatican City

D uring my time in Rome, I had visited Vatican City twice. The first I had intended to visit St. Peter’s Basilica, but that Wednesday morning the Pope was giving a Mass, so I stayed for that and left straight after.

The following day I went back to visit St. Peter’s Basilica. Below are some photos of the visits. Definitely a must when you are in Rome, whether you are a religious person or not.

Wednesday Mass

St. Peter's Square

I was lucky enough to be visiting St. Peter’s Square when Pope Benedict XVI was giving a Wednesday Mass. I did not have tickets (you need to buy before hand) but I happened to be in the square early. The guards blocked the exits to stop people coming in, so I stayed in the square.

The Pope appeared in a special designed “Popemobile”—a white Fiat Jeep—that made its way through the crowds of people to the stage. Thousands of people had now gathered in the Square to hear Pope Benedict XVI speak.

St Peters Basilica

The Papal Basilica of St. Peter

Some photos below of my visit to St.Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. It's an impressive work of renaissance architecture on the largest Church in the world. Catholic's believe Saint Peter, one of the Twelve apostles of Jesus Christ, is buried here.

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